Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What a way to start again...

Received Chem during recess. Didn't know Chee Keong was serious when he said he would go up to the staff room to get our scripts. Haiz... Dropped one grade to 51%. Haha just pass man!!!

Then the next depressor was Phys MCQ. Haiz 18/30. Ok lah granted that i only had one or 2 careless mistakes, but quite bad enough leh. If I didn't make those careless mistakes, then I should have been fine with 22/30. Haiz typical me.

The final suicide pill came when we got back F Maths. But hey, I maintained my old grade. MY 4th E!!! Whee... standard didn't really drop for the past 4 tests since last year. Anywayz, think I'm used to getting an E all the way... Wonder if I'm destined to get E always. EEEE-yucks...

oh well, hope the rest will be ok. 'fingers crossed' ;)

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